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This 200 horsepower Evinrude outboard, manufactured in 2003, is a saltwater model. The engine weight is recorded at 532 lbs. This is a 6 cylinder model. To perform maintenance or repair on your out-board if you are not familiar with the correct service and safety procedure could cause per-sonal injury or death. Further information can be obtained from your authorized Evinrude/ Johnson Dealer. In many instances proper tools and training are required for certain ser-vice or repair procedures. Service Manual covers outboards 2002-2006 Evinrude E-tec & Ficht 2-stroke 40-250 HP.
2003 Johnson Evinrude 150, 175HP ( 60 Dregree V6 ) Parts Catalog Manual Download $ Johnson Evinrude 150HP, 175HP V6 2-Stroke Parts Catalog Manual Download.